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Pick-me girl

A shitty insult used by jealous bitchy women or ugly femcels on Twitter as a cope for why no man wants to fuck them. They call attractive, cute, and popular girls "pick-me girls" just because lots of guys like them and insist that they're "seeking validation" from guys. In reality, those who use it are bitter and jealous cunts who are mad that they're unfuckable due to their shitty attitude and/or ugly looks.

Femcel: "Fuck Shoe0nHead and her stupid Male Loneliness video! She's such a pick-me girl!"
Guy: "Fuck off, cunt."

by wtrbrth September 29, 2023

807πŸ‘ 510πŸ‘Ž

Pick Me Boy

A boy who thinks he’s different to everyone else and usually listens to Juice WRLD.

omg all girls are the same, pick me boy

by badbleep1 January 7, 2021

126πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

Pick me boy

A boy craving for too much attention. Pick me boys will usually be the most annoying guys ever, because they will say random things at the most random times. Some pick me boys are adorable depending on how pick me they act. its best not to get a pick me boy especially if you're a vulnerable person, some of them only want to be with you for the attention, but if you like to be constantly asked multiple random questions for no reason at all, get you a pick me boy.

#1boy: " bro im ugly af"

#2Girl/boy: " no your not"

#1boy: " yes i am"

This is what you call pick me boy energy.

by Yeah, that's my name June 21, 2021

45πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Pick-me girl

A girl exhibiting desperate, attention-seeking behavior, usually arising out of social insecurity. She seeks a stable identity in a social group by mirroring the behavior of the males at the top of a dominance hierachy. Sorority pick-me girls will wear their caps backwards and shotgun beers to fit in with the alpha frat guys. Alt pick-me girls will adopt alt fashion styles or hobbies such as gaming or skating to fit in with the alt sigma types.

Unbeknownst to pick-me girls, social acceptance is the result of someone authentically expressing admired qualities, rather than consciously manipulative social signalling. Because a pick-me girl draws a surface-level conclusion about what garners attention and then fabricates an entire personality around this observation, she slowly becomes a vapid human being.

Most pick-me girls in modern society successfully receive validation from simp males who don't understand female behavior. Normal girls hate to see this. On the other hand, there is hope for a pick-me girl. If pick-me girls are genuinely open to mastering a hobby or interest, they become real social contributors. The safe space created by shared genuine interest can cure the pick-me girl of her social insecurities, thus letting go of the need for male validation in the first place. Normal girls ESPECIALLY hate it when a pick-me girl successfully becomes interesting and truly respected by the male dominance hierarchy - they never let it go that she started as a pick-me girl.

Mason: Yo, Amy is such a pick-me girl. Idk if she can hang, bruh.

Doug: Nah, dawg. Amy is actually really cool. She did a nosegrind last week - she can actually skate better than most of the crew. Yeah, she started off being a lil much, but I actually respect her hustle now.

David: Yeah, Amy's dope. Also she has one hell of a rack.
Amy: Fuck off, David. I'm standing right here.

by socialsavv December 23, 2022

152πŸ‘ 255πŸ‘Ž

Pick Me Girl

Its a tomboy. Thats it Twitter feminazis get big mad over it though

twitter:We gotta break gender roles and stereotypes



by July 31, 2021

36πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Pick me girl


Samantha is a pick me girl

by Samantha Geoghagan is a pickme May 11, 2022

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Pick me girl

A pick me girl is an adjective to an attractive girl, used by feminist girls. A pick me girl adjective is used when a girl sees another girl that has hobbies which boys find attractive, and tries to give an excuse why she (the user of the adjective) doesn't like these hobbies, thus less attractive.
This term explains that the attractive girl fakes her hobbies, for making boys to like her, and explains her desire to be liked by boys is driven by patriachy that is rooted in her world view.
When used, it is usually comes with demonisation of the pick me girl. The girl is shown as a misogynist, supercilious, and extremely desperate to boys attention.

Example 1:
A feminist girl that think girls can be whatever they want, and do whatever they want, especially sports, would say: "She is such a pick me girl, she says she likes soccer just because she wants boys to like her".

Examle 2:
A friend of a pick me girl would say: "Oh my gosh. I can't believe she is a pick me girl. We must cure her".

by AnonymousBeaver2023 June 12, 2022

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž