Means, what do you look for prior to purchasing a digital asset - there are key factors every person has internally whether it be social reinforcement, ratings, personal opinions or online reviews, all of these factors affect one's PERSONAL PURCHASING ALGORITHM (PPM). #PPM @BullishDips
Can you tell me your personal purchasing algorithm when determining your purchase of this crypto currency?
An item that requires gold to purchase
Arthur: can I buy this?
Shopkeeper: That requires gold to purchase
An item that the shop keeper says if it requires gold to purchase
Arthur: I'll buy this
Shopkepper: that requires gold to purchase that sir
An item that the shop keeper says if it requires gold to purchase
That requires gold to purchase
To show off your wealth by buying something incredibly stupid, to buy something for its glamour rather than its practicality, flexity over quality
Luke: Hey man, that's a nice jacket, was that a flex purchase?
Liam: Yeah, this poor dude was standing next to me.
A slutty person who has an STD
She's like a free gift with purchase. She is such a whore and probably has something
A well-known saying that has been used to describe instances of tennis/beer-related activities since the early 1700’s.
Person 1: I can’t remember how much more beer I owe you for our tennis games.
Person 2: somewhere between $9 and $5 million dollars.
Person 1: that doesn’t seem fair
Person 2: All is fair in tennis and beer purchasing. That’s the saying.