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a guy who is named tall boy he’s rlly tall and he is bad at every single game he plays on ps4 he thinks he’s the best but he’s not he sick big bals at every game

damm u see how bad that person is yeah he’s GARBAGE. he’s such a rafael what a noobie

by The One And Only Bean March 9, 2020

1👍 5👎


Rafael is known to be a stupid guy who smiles alot. He just threw my paper at me and looks annoyed. He likes to pall basketball an hang out with hi friends and loves to eat pizza. He can be nice sometimes except when he's writing about me. I can't wait to graduate highschool so I won't see Rafael anymore. doufus.

person 1: hey, do you know Rafael?
person 2: no, he's so waste.

by the real homie quan May 23, 2017

2👍 15👎

rafael correa

A Socialist dictator of the Republic of Ecuador who is responsible for 55% unemployment, debt that is more than triple the amount of the population, the Petroleum barrel selling at 20 USD, the selling of a percentage of the Amazon rainforest for failure to pay a debt of China because he sells and pays his party more than what is constitutional, changes the constitution for his favor, took out the judges of the country and placed them with judges who are unqualified but a part of his party, currently has Galapagos on hold for China if taxes and debt dates aren't met. This is only the basic aside from the social injustices such as imprisoning and spending 300k USD every weekend to humiliate underaged children of the opposition and asks his followers to attack them on social media.


~I swear that girl is stupid I am going to tell her off in front of the whole class!!

-Dude you sound so scary right now!

by narcnasfcf April 8, 2016

296👍 1👎

Rafael Vasquez

Someone who calls himself RAFT online

why does he call himself raft? Because his name is rafael vasquez

by MaxEatsButtAndPuss September 11, 2021

Dirty Rafael

The distant cousin of Dirty Sanchez. When someone inserts their chin deep into the asshole of a willing participant and upon removal has a shit beard.

Scott: "Hey Joe, did you hear about Ali the other day?"
Joe: "No, what about him?"
Scott: "He gave this chick a mean Dirty Rafael."
Joe: "No way!!"
Scott: "Yeah, go and smell his new beard."

by brownbeard69 October 17, 2015

53👍 4👎

aj rafael

an extremely amazing songwriter who has the most gorgeous arms ever and who everyone wants to marry.

aj rafael is hot

by haaaaaaylove October 29, 2008

185👍 27👎

Rafael Sanchez

A freakishly tall and awkwardly gangley kid with a rediculously deep voice that Shaq would envy, who continuously asks girls out to dinner, but never really gets passed that.

He will pretty much talk to anyone or anything that has ears, and girls will consistently blow him off, but not before he buys them gifts and other trinkets.

did you bust a Rafael Sanchez tonight?

by SenorSuave69 September 9, 2010

57👍 12👎