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elbow rodeo

a creative game, created for intelligent people. The game consists of one person holding out their arm, their competitor grabing their "wenis" or elbow flab and holding on for dear life. The first person then jerks their hand towards their shoulder continuously, this tightens the skin on the wenis making the second person lose grip. The object is to get the person to let go, or to hold on as long as you can. Can you face the challenge?

On his first date, Dawaun had LaKeysha go on an elbow rodeo to break the ice.

by zues hey April 22, 2006

rodeo of love

when you're doin your girl from behind either in the ass or pussy and you call out the name of her sister or best friend, then attempt hold on for 8 seconds without getting bucked off you have survived the rodeo of love

dude there i was hittin my girl from the back, i called her sisters name, but my rodeo of love lasted all of two seconds before i broke my nose on the wall.

by DOC LOCO April 16, 2007

Goat Rodeo

A situation during which a pre-planned event goes horribly wrong and demonstrates a total lack of communication, coordination, and forethought. Generally, this requires either of two parties, one being in a management or planning role that performs inadequate preparation and the other a participant that is utterly incompetent. The result is absolute chaos and failure. In a military context, this is any activity involving A) Iraqis, B) Afghanis, or C) the US Department of State. The involvement of two or more of these participants can result in an increase in fuckery several magnitudes greater than one alone.

I was assigned to lead a coalition mission to reestablish educational facilities in Durkastan. I knew it was going to be a "goat rodeo" when a douchebag in a suit walked into our tent and said "I'm with State, I'll be in charge from now on".

by HolyHammer October 12, 2016

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dirty rodeo

when a man is doing a woman anally and whispers "thats how your sister likes it" and then sees how long he can hold on

when bob was doing marissa, he pulled a dirty rodeo and got held on for a split second

by sex god April 10, 2004

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Bathroom Rodeo

Riding another person like a bull in a bathroom stall. Originated on Tik Tok

During semesters weโ€™re doing a bathroom rodeo want to come?

by sjdvs1776 January 7, 2020

Rodeo Loafing

the act of pooping but not snapping it off, then proceeding to squat over a partner and have them give felatio to the poop

rodeo loafing like a cowboy on heat

by Nicky K.O October 10, 2011

Midnight Rodeo

Acts of sexual endurance which usually occurs late atnight when a couple can not fall asleep. The goal is to wear each partner out so that they fall asleep. Usually performed by couples who live together or are married.

The acts usually resemble events at a rodeo A.K.A reverse cowgirl/boy etc. Cowboy hats and apparel are not needed but are welcomed. Whoopering and Hollering are mandatory The dominant partner must YEE-HAW after the rodeo has ended.

(Its 2:08 in the morning and couple cannot fall asleep)

Man: Honey are you asleep?

Woman: No but I need to be... Up for a midnight rodeo?

Man: Let me get my hat.

by Leu Nam March 8, 2010