Source Code

Six pack

Mobile Audio (Car Audio) CD Changer

Yo I gots a 6 pack in the trunk!

by Chris October 31, 2003

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six pack hold

When a man/woman inserts his/her middle fimger in the rectum, the index finger in the vagins, and uses the thumb to stimulate the clitoris.

I made her cum buckets by putting the six pack hold on her.

by Freddy Fellatio December 22, 2003

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six pack challenge

Current record: 5:51, all cans empty, no puking. Barry B

six pack challenge fucks you up

by Beermaster x100 June 13, 2007

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six pack of ladies

When some tries to impress a girl or group of girls, by saying something funny in order to receive attention, but ends up saying something stupid and looking like an idiot in front of his mates.

Or alternatively trying to come back with a quick response after someone made fun of you , and it being a really bad call.
imediate laughter from friends preceeds

" hey man you look like an idiot" "yeah well not as much as you" " hahhaa six pack of ladies"

by Danny K Johnson June 27, 2006

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Mississippi six pack

Loading up your hands and pockets with beers to get through an event.

Carl came through with a Mississippi six pack at last call.

by Grip-Tober April 25, 2017

personality of a six pack

Combination form of a Jock and a Douche.
Egotistical, arrogant, self serving individual.
Must be the center of attention at all times.
Relies on their looks to get through life.
Freeloader extraordinaire.
Will lie to achieve their goal.
Has had everything (for the most part), paid for or given to them.
Looking for an easy life without putting in the effort to earn it.
Expects everything without offering anything in return.

Most Dropouts Have the personality of a six pack.

by LostinYonkers July 19, 2014

six-pack abs

Contrary to popular belief, this term does NOT always describe a desirable "tight as a drum" lower torso. It can also refer to the exact opposite bodily-condition, but for very different reasons, depending on the gender of the human under discussion:
(1) Weak flabby below-the-belt muscles on a man which result from his downing too many "six packs" --- i.e., cans of beer.
(2) Equally loose saggy folds that a woman may develop "down there" if she's either had a half-dozen children in rapid succession, or makes it a full-time job to care for a whole "flock" of pint-sized charmers.

I'm not arguing with Ol' Golden Voice regarding the overall message of the early-'80's movie he stars in --- Kenny is indeed 100% correct that "love will turn you around" in some cases, but a gal may suffer "six-pack abs" if she tries for too many little ones --- either giving birth to them herself or adopting a whole flock --- too soon.

by QuacksO August 10, 2018