Shake My Bootie or Shake My Butt. Wiggle your rear-end.
It's disco time. SMB!
Is the acronym for Suck my balls, is commonly used in text as an injector when writer is agitated .
1:You can’t count or something because I see 3 trees
2:No there’s four look it a small one right there
1:Smt smb
Smb (Suck my balls) is a comeback you use when somebody tells you a offensive sexual joke
-I fucked your mom
-Smb (suck my balls) like i care
-You're gay
-Suck my balls losee
Suck my balls.
Used to sign off letters or emails to someone you don't like or you consider the content pointless.
Hi John, Please find below information that you already have available to you. Eliot. SMB.