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a word used to brainwash.

Sunday school teacher: And on that day he created the universe...

Kid with a brain: Where did God live if there was no universe?

Sunday school teacher: He, uh, he...(head explodes)

by nick cal October 10, 2006

1915πŸ‘ 1603πŸ‘Ž


1) an all knowing, all loving being who once killed everyone in the world (other than one small family) because they were not doing what he wanted, yet allowed Hitler to mercilessly slaughter 6million Jews without consequence

2) an all knowing, all loving being who was once rather pissed off that two people ate a fruit they were not meant to; a crime which the entire human race is still paying the price for

3) an all knowing, all loving being who allows various wars and acts of terrorism to be carried out in his name, whereas a simple 'hello' from the man himself would resolve the whole thing instantly

4) an all knowing, all loving being who hands over the responsibility for punishing the difficult and troublesome humans to Satan

All in all, God either doesn't exist or he is a complete sadistic prick

Want an example, look at any natural disaster (Tsunami, earthquakes, etc). Why would an all knowing, all loving God do that?

by St. Satan October 24, 2007

208πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž


An all powerfull being who lives in a flying cloud castle and is always watching you.

God is watching when you poop. Even when you touch yourself at night. . . . .

Sarah: *rubs her clit a little when she thinks no one is around*

God: I. See. YOU!

by Jimmy CrackKorn November 30, 2005

1876πŸ‘ 1573πŸ‘Ž


I am a child of God don’t you dare curse in my christian minecraft server. Will spam the Ten Commandments.

-Only God
-No idols
-Remember the Sabbath
-Honor your parents
-No killing
-No adultery
-No stealing
-Do not convet neighbor’s wife
-Do not convet neighbor’s belongings

Refuse to follow the ten commandments, then get out of my christian minecraft server.

Remember that Jesus is always the answer!! Be sure to mark that on all of your test problems!!! Only God!!!

by Riplife&mychickennuggets October 25, 2019

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


something that people fight over for stupid reasons

both atheists and theists

atheist:god does no exist so stfu you stupid christain
theist:so a big nothingness created the world then?!
atheist:okay prove he exists
theist:prove he doesn't

smart person: there is no proof that there is a god...just like there is no proof there is no god...so why argue about something we cant prove?

by stfuimrobert February 10, 2011

85πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


When you pray REAL hard, this is the person that ignores you.

Timmy: Please, God, Don't let me die of Cancer, I love my daddy and I love living.

2 Days Later

RIP Timmy

by BobDee January 27, 2008

355πŸ‘ 281πŸ‘Ž


An imaginary entity that weak-minded people use to fall back on.

Only god can show me what to do now because I'm too stupid to know what to do now!

by AnJew March 2, 2004

1507πŸ‘ 1274πŸ‘Ž