This is the stand to wan lo, I music teacher in LSC, his breath stinks. His stand can produce destroying waves of sound and explode human brain into 1000000 pieces. Also, the music he played are contaminated. People will keep vomiting if they hear it.
A (shouting): I HATE WAN LO
Wan Lo: Za Wanlodica!!!!!
Definition 1: French saying “pass the beer”
Defintion 2: The real name of any Africa named Sabir
Person 1: Pass za-beer
Person 2: I cant pass a person to you
Person 1: Wait i thought his name was sabir
Definition 1: French saying “pass the beer”
Defintion 2: The real name of any Africa named Sabir
Person 1: Pass za-beer
Person 2: I cant pass a person to you
Person 1: Wait i thought his name was sabir
Used to describe the act of doing exceptionally well, namely in a sport or video game
Example: "Dude Justin scored 3 goals in that game"
"i know, dude he's Za-ploinking right now."
Hey, wanna get some Za's and Da's for when we watch the Serial Experiments Lain/ Agent Carter mashup?
"hey wanna watch the Serial Experiments Lain Agent Carter mashup while eating some Za's and Da's?"
A very bad and plays lots of fifa mobile
Not loved by girls at all
3👍 2👎