Source Code

Charlie Sheen

A warlock, a rockstar from mars, a vatican assassin.

Charlie Sheen is a delusional Motherf**ker

by LizzyWasHere September 21, 2011

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Charlie Sheen

A Very Powerful Drug. It's not available because if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and children will weep over your exploded body.

Two-Face tried half of the Charlie Sheen drug. Look at him now.

by CharlieSheenHimself March 11, 2011

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Charlie Sheen

a drug, that apparently charlie sheen is on.

"Are you on drugs?"

YEA, Im on a drug and its called the Charlie Sheen!"

by mydickisbiggerthanyoursSORRY April 14, 2011

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Charlie Sheen


What would Charlie Sheen Say?
β€œWinning, anyone? Rhymes with winning. Anyone? Yeah, that would be us. Sorry, man, didn’t make the rules. Oops!”

by winningwithsheen April 28, 2011

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Charlie Sheen

can only use it when referring to something outrageous, extreme, bizarre or mind-blowing

'Hey man did u see that chick at the bar...she was "Charlie Sheen" outta there'....lol

by Sho Dem Boobs February 28, 2011

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Charlie Sheen

The only person who is able to beat up Chuck Norris. Charlie Sheen's immortal body filled with tiger blood, and fire breathing fists is the only counter to Chuck Norris' god-like abilities.

Chuck Norris : prepare to be roundhoused to the next dimension.

Charlie Sheen : I am filled with tiger blood, and win.. imagine what I could do with my fire breathing fists.

by oredith March 9, 2011

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Charlie Sheen

The ability to have a blood alcohol level that is 10 times higher than the legal limit while smoking crack, doing hookers, and shouting at your manager. This is all done at the same time and earns you so much respect that even Ashton Kutcher copies off you.

John: Hey man you suck. You can't even do the John Wall

Jason: Oh yeah? Well I can do the Charlie Sheen. What Now. Bitch

by mrmister. June 3, 2011

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