When you put a fist in the vagina and the anus at the same time and raise her up.
Hey I forklifted Becky last night and she squealed like a pig!
Apple polisher in chinglish, Since forklift is a very powerful machine that can lift anything.
In Teow Chew or Hokkien, apple polisher used to be "Hu LP".
Thus in chinglish, the forklift i powerful enough to "Hu your boss LP"
See, John is forklift his boss again, guess he will get a great increment for this year too
When you are doggy styling this girl you decide to get kinky and stick a fork up her ass until she gets lifted off the ground. As she hits lifted she does a twirl forward on the fork and gurgles your balls.
“Man I just received the best Danish Forklift”