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Piss passed

This is when someone passes a mandatory evaluation by questionable means, such as cheating by a friendly official.

I piss passed my fire awareness annual because my pal gave me credit.

by I, Wreckerrr April 8, 2021

lollipop pass

A poorly thrown basketball, the trajectory mimicking the shape of a lollipop. The pass takes the length of time similar to that of consuming an entire lollipop.

What a lollipop pass. What is this, the Oompa Loompa basketball team? No wonder they have so many turn overs.

by Pizzapockets March 27, 2015

Kiwi pass

Kiwis (New Zealanders) are internationally renowned for smoking joints down to the cardboard filter.
A "Kiwi pass" is when the roach is passed on to the next person and results in them burning their fingers and mouths if they try to inhale since there's nothing left.
Brought about because Kiwis smoke 100% pure joints and people from other countries mix their's with tobacco. Thus the very end of joints in NZ are still good but overseas they are less than good.

"What the hell are you passing that to me for, I dont want no kiwi pass!"

by Slippery as an Eel April 27, 2007

pass the fuck

A vulgar twist on “pass the buck” when passing it means someone gets fucked because of you.

Employees are systematically taught to pass the fuck because nobody is ever taken to task when they do.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 13, 2020

White Passing

A person, usually of black and white parents, that is recognized as only being white.

Ppl seem shocked when I tell them my dad is black. I go though life white passing.

by Lyle Butane August 24, 2017

154👍 18👎


To heave a havana, download software, take a dump, have a shit, excrete, poo

This is the toilet, into which we do not pass solids

by Mark Dallas May 2, 2007

22👍 1👎


English for the Norwegian word "dødspasning". D-pass (more commonly referred to as dødspasning) is a Norwegian sport that was founded in 2015, and has gradually grown in popularity over the years. In 2020, a sudden spurt of engagement occured within the D-pass community, and as a result of this, organised competitions and games were announced and held in Bergen, Norway. The sport is still progressing and growing as of today.

I am very good at playing D-pass.

by Norwegian Sports August 4, 2021