A person skilled in the art of using many numerous multifarious words to say very little in the hope that some poor sucker or rich capitalist will be fooled into donating money to their election campaign.
Synonym: See skank, slime, crud, muck, scum
Antonym: See swimmer, runner, mountain climber, motorcyclist
Politician Mitch McConnell Ted Cruz republican Tea Party
If you're black and you support Trump, do you ever ask yourself whether he would do the same for you when you get kicked off the plane for not wearing a mask? Do you also ask yourself whether Biden is any better for trying to force you to wear one?
No matter what they tell you, a politician is not on your side. They dont give a fuck about you or your vote, it's a number to them. You're old enough to know this already.
A lying scumbag that tricks people into voting him into office and then gathers campaign funds to spend on martini and women.
"Cut it out-you're being such a politician."
A person who dodges questions as a job
Person 1: Them politicians are unreliable.
Person 2: IKR?!
See ,liar,pedophile ,cheat ,sex pest ,gay,bummer,idiot
Wow man that politician is a cum slut
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a soul deprived being that somehow people actually like (reminds me of furries)
You: I saw a furry earlier today.
Friend: Don't you mean a politician?
You: Meh, what is the difference.
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