The act of proper manner to also buy your other partner(s) (boy/girlfriend, friend, etc) a red bull whenever they get themselves a red bull.
It's only proper red bull etiquacy, that scott also brought me a red bull.
The most unreliable powertrain in F1. Very powerful but fails every 1 race.
Man, these Red Bull Powertrainsβ’ really sandbagging.
yes yes lmao.
An unspoken contract to give/receive Red Bull's between two coworkers. Whenever one of them buys a Red Bull on their way to work, they will buy one for their coworker too.
There is no requirement for an equal amount of giving and receiving. The contract remains fair as long as it remains unspoken.
Ryan and I have a Red Bull thing.
something you cant live without. your life would never function without this. the only thing that keeps your life going.
"steven forrest is my skittles and red bull"
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"Damn Jake, i snorted some of nature's red bull and haven't slept in 2 days !"
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the effect brought to you by mixing red bull with whatever alcohol you find in your cabinet.Its a cliche,kind of like how cowboys get a horn up there ass during a rodeo.
man,I was up all night drinking vodka,rum,and tequilla mixed with red bull and I feel like shit.Oh,well,I guess if you play with redbull,you get the Red bull horn.My girl got the "horn" last night too.
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Sweet bubble gum taste that fills your body with what you think is energy. red bull does not give you wings, but in fact gives you diarrhea.
Did you see that girl drinking sugar free red bull?...she's going to blow it up later.
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