A spectrum for gender identities that people self-identify as, which doesn't match their sex or gender assigned at birth.
Context: Gender Identity is a mental illness known as "gender dysphoria" formerly known as "gender identity disorder".
Your daughter is gender confused. Her gender identity known as "non-binary" falls under the gender dysphoria spectrum.
The original name of the autism spectrum.
Your on Mul’s special spectrum
An adjective that describes gender fluidity
They are on the gender spectrum
1👍 1👎
The only argument that comes from a transgender activist
Transgender Activist: Gender is a spectrum
14👍 7👎
Spectrum internet provider with historically horrific customer service practices. They have absolutely no purpose other than to monopolize internet service and control people’s access (or lack thereof) to the web.
To pull a spectrum means to angrily demand service with relentless resolve.
Person 1: "Look, my internet is acting up again"
Person 2: "Want me to pull a spectrum?”
Special type of autism that gets worse the longer the day goes on, by the time of 3:00 - 4:00 MTV starts edging on the spectrum.
Person 1: Minh youre edging on the spectrum
Person 2: No im not its not funny anymore next person who says it is getting bashed
The area of rhythm that your body can perform. The spectrum of which my body or thinking is limited to in rhythm.
Electric breakdancing is out of my rhythm spectrum because of my extreme whiteness.
Look at alfred trying to breakdance he is going to hurt himself because those moves are out of his rhythm spectrum.