Making ones mind feel unsorted.
Him- damn that's joggin my shit.
Him#2- forreal...
Adj. describing the demands of a customer for a supplier to perform extrodinary amounts of extra, usually useless work, when the supplier is already struggling to meet delivery usually to the detriment of workers who have no control over the situation and to the complete ignorance of those who created or can control the situation
I just got off the phone with HP, since our supplier didn't deliver we have to work nights and weekends to meet schedule. The program director requested that I "juggle my shit" while giving daily updates to APAC at 10 pm.
“yooo I’m finna bun her shit tonight.”
“I want you to bun my shit.”
To defeat, obliterate, destroy, harm, or damage.
Derived from the euphemism "to fuck up," and "shit,"defined as objects or belongings.
Synonyms: own, pwn
Not to be confused with fuck shit up
That chem exam fucked my shit. I failed for sure.
The exact opposite of having your shit together.
I would go to the Kenny G concert with you this weekend but I have to run errands instead - my shit's in pieces.
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Another way of saying "pissing me off" use especially when really pissed.
ps... just wanna say, i made this phrase :D
1: He couldn't get it in, it was pissing my shit.
2: My little brother was pissing my shit today.
3: Stop pissing my shit or I'll kill you.
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