She is AMAZING! Sure she has her ups and downs. She might cry but she’s still as strong as ever. Friends aren’t the nicest to her. She IS GORGEOUS!! We all love Livi Shapiro.
Livi Shapiro is the best person I’ve ever met!
in a debate, when your entire argument has been completely blasted to garbage and your left looking like a idiot, by Ben Shapiro, or a similar debater, anybody with a decisive intellect and facts , accompanied by thunderous applause for the "Shapiro/similar person".
did you see that debate at school yesterday? I did, that new guy had all his facts wrong, lost bad, he got the Shapiro-shutdown for sure. the whole place was cheering.
One who has followed the way of Shapiro well and is deserving of this most honourable compliment.
An honoured conservative walks into a room. Gary says “welcum your Shapironess”
Schrodinger's Shapiro is a person who starts a debate and decides whether he was serious or not based on the outcome. Troll if he loses, serious if he wins.
Attorney: "And this concludes the defense regarding the case of property trespassing. My client is not guilty."
Judge: "I find the defendant not gui-"
Plaintiff: "Chill, your honour. I didn't sue him for real, it's just a troll."
Attorney: "Objection, your honour. That is clearly Schrodinger's Shapiro."
A very smart individual, most likely conservative.
That person is quite the Callivus Von Shapiro.
The aftermath of someone dedicating on someone else’s face and that person wearing it like a beard or chinstrap
That scene were the guy was wearing a Shapiro Chinstrap almost made me hurl.
When you defeat libtards with fact and logic, rather than violence or threats of such.
Guy 1: “Some obese land whale talked about how whyte men are the worst”
Guy 2: “And then what happened?”
Guy 1: “Some 5’2 dude got up and started owning her, Shapiro Style”