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Desk Pop

The act of firing your gun while sitting at your desk.

I performed my first desk pop today.

by Adonaii August 9, 2010

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Measure a Desk

To attend some kind of function, do some kind of activity or task with your significant other that you would rather not do, but have to. An obligation that must be attended with your significant other that you would prefer not to attend but must.

"I'd love to come to your football party, but I have to measure a desk..."

by wallyTour September 21, 2009

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separate desking

the act of separating your desk from everyone else's.

"Are you separate desking?"

by inthehaus November 2, 2011

desk phantom

A worker who is usually exempt and working project hours which can be any time during the day or evening. They often live at their desk, have minifridges and coffee makers there. They disappear often during the day without being noticed and come back to work late hours. Their job is very solitary and they are so seldom seen that seeing them is like seeing a phantom.

The opposite of a desk phantom is a desk mannequin who is usually more visible, and more customer facing.

We just saw John coming in at 2 with coffee and his van was in the parking lot all last night. We think he's working on the bank acquisition code but you'll have to ask Francine his boss about that. The guy is a real desk phantom.

by johngagon February 26, 2010

Desk Monkey

Definition 1. A person employed to do the administrative work as determined by the job and is not responsible for controlling or changing company structure or operations.

Definition 2. A person employed in an administrative position, that is overworked, undervalued yet is essential to the business organization

Definition 3. Someone who sits in front of a computer, day in day out, working for someone else

(Colloquial) "Iโ€™m just the desk monkey!" akin to "Don't ask me, I'm just the Desk Monkey"
"Go ask that Desk Monkey over there for the annual report"
"Get the Desk Monkey to do it"

by ValChic December 23, 2020

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desk banana

A desk banana is a banana that you bring to an office job with the intention of eating, but instead leave on your desk until it overripens and is tossed. The banana becomes a symbol of your failure to follow through with better eating habits.

Person 1: "That banana has been on your desk all day. Aren't you going to eat it?"
Person 2: "Nah, it's just a desk banana. You want it? If not, I'm probably gunna toss it."

by ar42dent October 7, 2013

desk siesta

A term refering to an after-lunch nap in which a worker props their feet up on their desk and leans back in their chair. The desk siesta is most often taken by workers with an office door.

Joanne always gets sleepy after lunch, so she likes to take a desk siesta each day to perk herself up.

by AmandaKaye February 16, 2009