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Trainer Fail

The wave a depression a pokemon fan feels when their favourite pokemon performs a one-hit KO using Frustration.

Also known as 'Team Rocket Win'

Buneary knocked him out with Frustration again? Utter trainer fail...

by Mauhea March 18, 2010

trainer lachnan

Trainer Lachnan is a person who teaches someone how to knock people out and he also shows them how to fuck the knocked out person!!

"last time I remember me being awake was 2 hours ago, and there is cum on me! Trainer Lachnan got me!!”

by PewPewHeadShot@ December 14, 2017

trainer lachnan

Trainer Lachnan is a person who teaches someone how to knock people out and he also shows them how to fuck the knocked out person!!

last time I remember me being awake was 2 hours ago, and there is cum on me! Trainer Lachnan got me!!

by PewPewHeadShot@ December 14, 2017

Mow Trainer

Another word for boner.

Being gay, gay-man McJinsen got a mow trainer from looking at the nude boys.

by Tallen Harris February 5, 2008

Infamous Trainer

Future #1 poketuber makes amazing content and has good taste in fire types

Person 1:I subscribed to infamous trainer because he’s awesome

Person 2:I know let’s join his awesome discord and make friends with some of the members like the awesome sun studios

by Sun the awesome guy November 19, 2020

Triple Trainer

An absolute insult you can ever receive.

A deceptive combination of, "We Think We Know", "Yo Momma Gay", and "You're gonna buy this shit anyways (You Fat Fuck)".

Often used by corporate zombie misanthropes who spread depression over intercoms for a living. Ten points if you are capable of explaining why you say the word after you say it, but chances are you got hit by a bus mid sentence, metaphorical or otherwise.

"Can Mr. Faulkner in the Bulbasaur T-Shirt walk down aisle 4 because we called you a triple trainer, please?"

"We know you're lucky for being a triple trainer cause all you did today was play video games and jack off." *INTERCOM STATIC*

by ForbiddenRamen May 28, 2023

Turbo Trainer Service

A fictional service used to justify lack of participation in virtual cycling events.

Sorry I cant race tonight because my turbo trainer service.

by c0aster January 24, 2018