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turning up the gravity

verb. a form of slang, used to indicate the process of getting intoxicated, or “high.”

1: bro Trav and we’re turning up the gravity last night, shit had me thinking my eyes were too loud?
2: bro what?

by E_Lach133 May 19, 2020

Turn it up

This means let’s go party. The phrase originated from Kim Taehyung on American Hustle Life.

Hyungs and Jungkookie turn it up.

by Jin’s worldwide dick June 3, 2020

turn the dog up

Being intoxicated and taking illicit drugs and leaving your body disabled and wrecked

Hey shawn wanna turn the dog up, yeah mat let's turn the dog right up

by Turn the dog up June 4, 2016

Turn me up shmere

When you see a shmere nigga or when smhere come in like dee

Chonge"damnn shmere i see you!" deer:"tUrn ME UP SHMERE"

by TURN ME UP SHMEREE May 17, 2019

Turn me up shmere

When you see shmere go crazy or when shmere came in like dee

*girl twerks on shmere


by TURN ME UP SHMEREE May 17, 2019

Turn up

Turn up: This is a lively, hullabaloo and fun situation when people go out with friends to hangout and rock.

Shade it's Saturday today, i know we haven't been invited, but let's go turn up at the wedding down the street.

by Misspreetyslim February 6, 2020

Turn up

Getting hyped up to a song so you don't die

Longbeachgriffy: Get your bitch ass up! (Guy wakes up) Do you fuck with this song!?
Guy in backseat: What?
Longbeachgriffy: DO YOU LIKE THIS SONG!?
Guy in backseat: Yo, who driving
Longbeachgriffy: Don't worry about who mother fucking driving. Do you like this goddamn song!?
Dude in backseat: Yeah. This shit fire.
Longbeachgriffy: TURN UP THEN!!! (Guy awkwardly jams to the song) Everybody in this motherfucker, turn up or I'ma crash this bitch in the fucking ocean!

by Twenty Dollars May 19, 2022