Multiple vinyl records. It’s ok. Accept it. Vinyls is acceptable
Man take a look at all those vinyls Lee got at Furnace Fest
Simply means approval. An adjective used to positively describe ones appreciation for an object, person or humour. Also denotes the genuine authenticity or antique age of chosen subject.
David’s gran came to visit yesterday, she’s so vinyl!
Did you hear Rydo’s joke about biffs, fucking vinyl!
Q: We going night riding?
A: Vinyl!
Fuck that soup off it’s vinyl as fuck!
To have an elaborate sexcapade or womp womp with another.
Hey Edgar, lets cut some vinyl today... Im feeling frisky.
To forget something that should be obvious. A brain fart.
Monica: I thought you said we were going to hang out Friday?
Terence: Sorry, my vinyl skipped a groove.
The exhaustive and sometimes fruitful (or fruitless) pursuit of vinyls (or vinyl records).
I'm going vinyling for vinyls .
The era of rock music that lasted from 1963 to 1974. It was a really good era with many solid bands including The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, and Eric Clapton. Music of this era was very guitar driven and psychedelic.
Hey I just got done listening to some vinyl era rock and roll.
Oh yeah, like what?
Oh just some Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd
Wow that was some great music
LGBTQ+ Pop Music & Vinyl is an online Discord Community which shares vinyl releases, restocks and hosts a range of all things pop culture
Josh: "Bestie we need to mute ha from the LGBTQ+ Pop Music & Vinyl server. Go clean your room!"