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welfare check

What an OU tard will be living off once it "graduates" from OU aka TardU. Since it never received a proper education and therefore doesn't have any skills for the real world and nobody will want to hire them when they see that the person has "graduated" from OU.

Shiii ese, nobody wanna hire me man, so I'm just waiting on my next welfare check and hopefully I'll be able to finesse some cigs with it.

by TurnM3Up May 4, 2020

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welfare whores

those of our country, who, out of their own laziness, and incompentecy, repeatedly produce offspring in order to increase the amount of welfare they receive; basically screwing for government money, so the lazy pigs don't have to work.

Lady: "Hey, Jimbo, if we have three more kids, they'll give us 1,000 more per month! Whoo boy!"
Man: "But Shanquisha, don't you feel like we're being welfare whores?"
Lady: "Hells nah!"

by Tromboner73 October 22, 2010

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welfare pride

This is the ridiculously overbearing slack jawed self-righteous ignorance one sees from people thinking that appearing on a TV show such as Jerry Springer or Ricki Lake would be prestigious. This type of mindset is also responsible for leading this particular form of stupidity into the belief that food stamps are actually real money.
People afflicted with welfare pride often use words such as "biotch!", "nigga!", often followed by phrases such as "Back da fuck up!", "Iy kikyo ass", or "Oh no you di'n't !"

That dumb bitch has some kind of welfare pride tryin' to stare me down from the stoop of that welfare castle (i.e. trailer home) screamin' "BACK THE FUCK UP NIGGA !"

by critter getter September 27, 2007

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welfare mama

A woman who has babies every 2 years to stay on Welfare.

on the first, welfare mama goes to the club and gets us a new daddy.

by Urippities poop head May 24, 2007

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Welfare Bunny

A welfare bunny is a person who uses the system not for a hand up but for a hand out, they live on the system and seem to be quite content with doing so. The term bunny comes from the fact that they usually multiply as such and have many baby daddys, thus securing their ability to receive assistance.

That girls a welfare bunny.

by danicol80 June 12, 2009

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Welfare Breeder

Another word for Rabbit Scab. Basically a complete piece of shit who has babies to steal more money from those of us who work for a living.

From the looks of that couple with the latest smart phones and fine shoes with ragged ass children in tow who look like they don't see a cent of the free money their parents gleam from the tax paying majority, we have a welfare breeder situation. We are going to need a roll of duct tape and a sterilization kit stat!

by Expose December 31, 2015

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welfare queen

a female with kids from different men,getting money from the government to buy phones and skanky clothes to post statuses and booty shots on facebook

Suzy Delacruz got a new Iphone to post selfies and status's on Facebook with the ssi checks she gets for each of her dumb.. err disabled kids ,what a welfare queen smh.

by blastinU November 2, 2014

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