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Bar Wench

A voluptuous maiden who serves thirsty gentlemen with beverages of an alcoholic nature.

Gentleman: "Bar Wench! Come hither! I require more inebriating substances to fuel my adventures!"
Bar Wench: "At once sir!"

by Wenchabuser. June 8, 2012

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Wench Bench

(Used in the context of the Viking Table).

A gathering place for women who are either associated with, related to, or attached to a member of the Viking Table. Ordinarily, it will be a wooden, metal or plastic bench in the same general area as (though not considered part of) the Viking Table. Discussions at the Wench Bench, while determined by its occupants, are generally centered around topics of feminine interest and would be of little interest to men at the Viking Table.

Horst, if you mention Oprah Winfrey at the Viking Table again, you'll have to join the ladies at the Wench Bench.

by rabidraptor July 25, 2010

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nigger wench

Extremely Derogatory name for a female African American. From slave days. It was insulting to slaves and was rarely used by whites.

"One nigger wench for sale, $400 dollars."

by Cornelius Windsor January 7, 2005

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socket wench

derived from the slang word "ratchet," a socket wench is one who lacks class. Typically used to describe someone with a loose vagina, wears tights as pants, earrings with the circumference of a dinner plate, and 6 inch high heels in inappropriate places (such as the zoo, laser tag, golfing, etc).

"Did you see that socket wench at the grocery store? Someone should consider giving her an emergency hysterectomy to protect our population, ASAP."

by platyguin March 6, 2013

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party wench

Chick with big cans that drinks you under the table, but you never, never, ever want to sleep with her.

Cathy is my best party wench!

Damn Jen, you party wench, get the hell outa my bed!

by tree February 3, 2004

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man wench

A male that is easily 'pwned' by females. These males are usually submissive and/or shy. Almost always attractive.

"I have a man wench harem!" Eg- Chris Corner.

by Astrakhan April 6, 2003

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piss wench

A Female pirate who drinks alcohol day and night and thus pisses her self and refuses to acknowledge that she pissed her self , smells of piss and refuses to change her cloths

That piss wench is drunk again and pissing all over the deck

by Bullwinkle O'Reilly April 4, 2019