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The ejaculatory matter (Semen) released by a masturbating male of any age.

Can be used as a noun or verb.

1. I just got whack on my pants.
2. I was whacking in my room when my roommate burst in with a polaroid camera.
3. I added my whack to your cream of mushroom soup.
4. You didn't provide adequate amounts of whack for our sperm bank.
5. Your whack is lazy.

by TurboTaco February 12, 2008

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the combo of a white and black person.

what race are you?
"I'm whack"

by Gold Money July 18, 2017

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(adjective) The name for an individual who is neither black nor white but rather a combination of the two and normally is not accepted by either group.

Matt: Yo, is Barack Obama black or white?
Don: Neither man, he's whack.

by Art M. Typal May 6, 2010

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A person of mixed origins which are white and black. The Wh taken from white and the ack taken from black. See also caramel

Boy#1: Yo dat guy half white and half black
Boy#2: Yeh he's Whack

by The Whack King March 15, 2008

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why is my graph so whack?

what do you mean it's whack frenda ? you mean it's a whack-a-diddly-do?

by SUciDAL August 21, 2017

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something that is weird or strange, can be used in a positive or negative way.

i hate katy perry, her musics whack bro

i just got accepted to harvard, that’s whack!

by swagmasterjoe69 March 6, 2021

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To wrap your hand around your cock tightly and Go Up And down in rythm...Mastrabation

I whacked to Tawnee Stone all night last night

by Sonny Webb, The Boss September 13, 2003

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