When the dog drags it itchy hoop along the carpet in search of relief.
FFS, your fucking dog is carpet yachting again. You can clear up the brown tram line this time!
A giant schlong you discover on a cruise.
My husband to be wary after the buffet so I found some yacht cock to keep me up all night
Trespassing along others boats for entertainment and thrill
Wanna go yacht hopping tonight?
That yacht hopping was insane
The sailing of ones penis in the vast oceans of a wet vagina.
Damn son, I was twat yachting all night in her pussy.
When you give your wife, fianceè, girlfriend or young stallion, anal sex on your yacht or a family/friend members yacht.
Joe says to his wife.... "hey baby want some yacht anal"
Joe's wife says... "sure I got some lube and the water is very rough so it should slip right in".
A synonym for hot pepperoni pizza
(Someone brings in pepperoni pizza)
The upgraded version of a gay ship, used when the two lovers evolve in their gayness to maximum.
"Oh wow, Gay 1 and Gay 2 have transcended the mortal plane of love, they have made a yaoi yacht"