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you know you... too much if

The "You know (enter activity) too much if" game is the product of various blogging/message board occurrences.

Usually, one initaiates this post with a common obsession/interest of the group such as a video game, book, etc.

Here's an example of you know you... too much if.

You know you've been on Urbandictionary.com too much if:

-you check your email only to see if there are any new entries that day

-you make new entries to see how many people will give you a thumbs up

-you make an entry that explains the "you know you _____ too much if game"

You get it, right?

by Inflicted February 21, 2006

36๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

If you know, you know

You know I omit some context out of the stuff I wrote so that you were either need to read the prerequisite text or you need to actually know who I am to understand what I'm talking about, right? I feel like I'm repeating myself here...

Hym "If you know, you know..."

Iam "Ugh, I hate that saying..."

by Hym Iam May 27, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

If You Know, You Know

The real Creator of If You, You Know is Andrew Portugal

If You Know, You Know is a word that Andrew Portugal created. He says it all the time at school and every where he goes. This funny joke is really funny now every one says it so please help and support Andrew so it does not burn out contact me at If You Know, You know :)

by If You Know, You Know May 28, 2019

42๐Ÿ‘ 302๐Ÿ‘Ž

you know you got problems

A term used to tell somebody that they aren't in no way better than you and that they themselves have issues, but don't want to show because they want to maintain a image as if they have it all and got it together. Every body has problems.

Mentioned in a Too Short song.

Adam: Man my, 1991 Ford broke down and I have no money to get it fix man.

Steven: Well maybe if you would upgrade and get you a better car like my brand new Mercedes-Benz, you wouldn't have that problem.

Adam: Fuck you bitch, you know you got problems.

by thatdude23 October 10, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

You thought you ate

A tears used my blackies or people in a discord mic up. If you were to roast some and you didnโ€™t do go a person might say. โ€œYou thought you ate that.โ€

โ€œGorl stfu you thought you ate that, *laugh* you thought you ate that.โ€

by Gojowho? August 18, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 152๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beat you till you bleed

A threat, designed to convey the how much trouble a child is in and how angry the parent is.

If you smash that toy against the floor again, I'll beat you till you bleed.

by holmes5 May 3, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Did you know you have rights?

Seemingly a simple marketing slogan used by all civil and criminal solicitors, this famous line is actually from Breaking Bad season 2 episode 8. It makes a hilarious appearance in Saul Goodman's television advertisement:

"Hi I'm Saul Goodman. Did you know you have rights? Constitution says you do. And so do I."

It is most commonly used amongst members of the unofficial, imaginary, crack-addicted breaking bad community that every zealous Breaking Bad viewer thinks they are uniquely apart of. The phrase is also the reason that many aspiring students have mistakenly entered the legal profession and incompetently represented and let down innocent people to the blood-thirsty prosecutors.

Friend 1: "This Subway is so terrible they never properly wrap my sandwich, it's literally at risk of falling apart."
Friend 2: "Did you know you have rights?"
Friend 1: "Constitution says you do."
Both friends: "And so do I."

*Friend 1 has just been convicted of gross negligence manslaughter after jokingly pushing their best friend down steep stairs and causing their death. They are in court awaiting sentencing by the judge.*
Friend 1: *anxious and regretful* "I didn't mean to. I can't believe I did that man. I-I-I ca-can't bel-"
Friend 2: "Calm down. Calm down! Did you know you have rights!?"
*Judge looks up in confusion*
Friend 1: *wipes tears from eyes and sniffles* "Constitution says you do!"
Judge: *slams gavel* "Order please!"
Both friends together: "AND SO DO I!"

by bradleysheadissick August 17, 2023