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Someone attracted to an animal in a love AND lust way.
Or in other words Julian Z I suppose.

"Julian Stares at big female dogs with an odd and sickening glance"

by Me October 9, 2004

55πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


a sick fuck who feels the disgusting need to sexually interact with certain animals of their choice. these people are the absolute scum of the earth. just remember that furries aren't zoophiles because most furries are attracted to anthropomorphic beings and not animals.

i think robin wants to fuck his dog, what a zoophile.

by averagericefarmer March 27, 2022

9πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A zoophile is someone who has a sexual or romantic attraction to dogs. To put it simply, they need to go get some serious help.

Not all of these deranged individuals fuck dogs, but will claim that being a zoophile makes then a quirky queer, and deserves deeming of being a sexuality, which is absolutely retarded.

Go to Quora, Twitter, TikTok, and sometimes even YouTube comment sections to find these individuals. They often get a descent sized following from making content that attracts other like-minded people.

They will try to tell you that most zoophiles don't fuck dogs, but don't be fooled by their petty lies, they are an entire community based on a sick perversion that implies they think about fucking dogs. It isn't hard to search for such things either. I highly recommend not looking it up, as the FBI will be at your door the next morning.

These people believe that they are smarter than normal people too, and will give you unreliable open sourced bullshit that will put a virus on your computer.

Most of these individuals will try to tell you how dogs consent to sex when these creatures can't even fucking speak. They mostly are mentally retarded individuals that can't find any bitches because they are likely redditors and discord moderators at the same time.

John: Hey, brotha, wassup

Jimmy: Sup John! Hey, I heard my girlfriend got caught fucking the dog last night, is that true?

John: Yeah, she is a retarded zoophile dude, just break up with her.

by Destroyer of zoophiles July 2, 2022

21πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Someone who should grab a shotgun a blow to roof of their mouth off

steve "Hey im a zoophile"

stan "kill yourself rot in hell"

by Zoophile killer June 17, 2022

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe the invalid attraction to animals. Which is disgusting due to the fact that the animal has no ability to consent.

Person 1: I’m a Zoophile.
Person 2: Don’t talk to me you waste of air.

by Mishshreem February 21, 2022

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A zoophile is someone probably a failed abortion and also adopted and they make satin or whatever god or devil rules the underworld look like a lovely nice caring compassionate and overall a genuinely nice and good god and yes I mean the ruler of the underworld

teenager: mom dad I’m bisexual

Mom and dad: it’s ok we support you’re every decision you make
Teenager: oh I’m also a zoophile

Mom and dad: you’re real mother told us to tell you you’re a failed abortion and you’re adopted

by Zoo killer June 1, 2022

6πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A Bitch who is sexually attracted to fucking animals and should rot in the deep depths of hell.

Person 1:hey did you hear Bob the zoophile died by a truck

Person 2: yay!! The zoophile is dead


by TheAddictingFryingPan March 11, 2022

6πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž