giving the readers digest version of something, AKA "the gist of it"
I'm a very busy man and I don't have time for long drawn out explanations, just give me the cock and the balls of it.
A term used to described an overpopulated social setting, i.e. bars, clubs, lines at Disney World, men's bathroom, etc. The setting being so packed that male genitalia, regardless of intention, are constantly rubbing on the buttcheeks of surrounding individuals.
" Man there are so many people in here tonight, it's balls to buttcheeks."
"We went there last night, the place was packed balls to buttcheeks."
When during a game of FIFA you completely mess up a simple pass, lobbed or through ball.
friend 1: you look like shit. What's wrong?
friend 2: I haven't came in 2 months
friend 1: Damn! You must have some fluxsys balls!
only having the balls to say something when your on the internet.
being anonymous on the internet can give someone "cyber balls"
she's not tough, she just has cyber balls.
he's a total bitch in real life but online he has massive cyber balls
The dry shit on the back of ones ballsack, usually caused by wiping from back to front.
"When little Katie tripped, she smelled that old guy's ball shat."
term used by pilots. when accelerating quickly, the throttle is pushed all the way to the panel and the throttle lever (ball) actually touches the panel (wall). Hence, balls to the wall.
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