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Blim Hole

When youre smoking a joint of hash or a cocktail joint, its when the small peices of hot hash fall on your clothes and burn a hole through them.

Me: Shit!
Corey: what?
Me: I just got a blim hole in my new hoody!
Corey: Oo shit man!
Me: I fucking hate hash!

by Taska Babee October 13, 2008

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the worm hole

A man and a woman use a short (about 2inch long) piece of hose and proceed to connect thier anuses together with the apparatus. In a contest to see who has more rectal power, the two strain a shit out to see which will overpower the other in a strenuous competition, thus entering their spouse's ass cavity.

"That dump was nothin'.I got some pvc pipe at home Sally, wanna try the worm hole and see who really has a powerful shit?"

by Nick Stevenson August 25, 2006

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shaving the hole

when a man shaves the area arround his anal so that he does not have a dingle berry problem

ben gibbs was caught shaving the hole. he said he did not know it was bleeding and that it was worth it

by BennyGibbs January 13, 2007

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nerd hole

A basement or rec room dedicated to nerd related activities.

Are we playing dungeons and dragons in the nerd hole this weekend?

Oh man, I forgot my d20 in your nerdhole.

by Emphasize December 18, 2008

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Cotton hole


The lady plugged up her cotton hole with a tampon.

by harvharv November 23, 2009

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An expression of great amazement esp. used when complementing another.

"Amber thinks that Tom is a hottie."
"Really? His-hole!"

by aarong August 21, 2005

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Fox hole

A furry's anus

Oh yes furry daddy yiff me up the fox hole

by Snugglesthearcticfox June 5, 2019

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