what you always put into a graphing calculator when you're bored. gives kinda underwhelming results.
i dont know what these "sin" "cos" and "tan" buttons do but they seem like cool math stuff so lemme put sin(cos(tan(x))) into my calculator
Have a great holiday in the sun
Hey Jayne, hope you enjoy your time away, have a fab tan time!
An NLP trainer who has delved into various modeling projects such as public speaking, counseling, life coaching, business building, weapons shooting. He conducts most of his NLP training in Asia and the US. He can be found at http://www.WorldOfNLP.com
Stuart Tan is a trainer of NLP.
when you have a tan line from wearing long socks
my brother has a bad bilders tan he should take his socks off more often
Ian: Bill I’m going to leave a tan tusk on your desk if you don’t stop being a monkey.
Bill: Keep it down.
Free to do whatever , have fun , get lit , get active
I’m bout to go Tan Up , Summer bout to be Tan Up , Shawty Let’s Tan Up
a beautiful Asian woman that is funny and smart.