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Drive stay

The opposite of a drive by

It’s called a drive by, not a drive stay.

by Dwight_K_Schrute December 15, 2020

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Driving manual

To be only functioning or awake because of the amount of drugs you have taken. A phenomenon that usually (but not strictly) occurs after the hours of 2am. Much like manual cars, recrational drugs users (and crackheads) have many different types of gears that they use to function and to be truely β€œdriving manual” you have to be β€œon gear”

Its 8am on a Tuesday morning and that boys pupils are massive, he must be driving manual!

by Carmen Sider April 5, 2019

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Drive by learning

1. To learn on the run.
2. To learn something by walking by a classroom.
3. To learn anything quickly.

Phrase coined by Lluc

Guy 1. Man I was walking to the bathroom and I passed a really interesting class.
Guy 2. Really? What did you learn.
Guy 1. Nothing, they closed the door to stop drive by learning.
Guy 2. Damn that sucks!

by Fez King July 3, 2010

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Drive Knight

Casuals beloved

Drive knight is casuals beloved

by The Casual April 7, 2021

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sweet drive

A term used to express one's astonishment at the quality of a certain vehicle.

Similar meaning as: dope ride
Antonym: your car is ugly

Desperate guy: "Look at my new Cadillac!"
Hot girl with a nice rack: "Oh wow, that's a sweet drive."
Desperate guy: "Thanks, want a ride?"
Hot girl with a nice rack: "Yeah, that sounds chill."

by secks_monster January 17, 2010

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drive over

To go someones house late at night while they're home alone and do naughty things

JP went over to MC and all they do is drive over each other

by teeheeeeeeeeeee24654356543 January 30, 2014

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drive-by media

1) One of many meaningless, substance-free terms created by Rush Limbaugh and parroted by his ditto heads meant to deride the press and scapegoat mistakes by conservatives.

While Rushbo himself never actually defines it (nor can any of his cult devotees), it is implied to describe shallow, sensationalist, sound-byte-heavy news coverage Γ‘ la Fox News.

2) Scandalous, short attention-span, and often controversial "news" that mostly cover-up, and/or spin for political purposes.

3 ) The Rush Limbaugh Show

Ironically, while constantly blaming the U.S.'s short-comings on the "drive-by media," Rush Limbaugh is in fact the figurehead of that type of news coverage.

by AvianEddy June 4, 2009

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