when a little kid on the internet fakes their age to be older to seem cool but they clearly aren't that age, the opposite of an old age faker
6-year-old Johnny wanted to chat in a group chat for people 13+ so he faked his age by saying he was 15, yet, he was banned for people figuring him out because he misspelled everything and asked about what some cuss words meant, making him a little age faker
Refers to either of two developmental-periods in a particular child's life:
(1) From toddler to maybe ages five or six, when many a "Little Rascal" turns into a young Achmed who seethingly wants to "keel" everyone whom he dislikes or cannot make kowtow to his wishes.
(2) From "'tween to teen", when said sullen young rebel is attracted to da appalling music/movies made by "frozen-water" stars like da Cube, Vanilla, etc.
This year's summer is gettin' hotter 'n' blue blazes, yet we are in da middle of a bleepin' ICE AGE when it comes to da atrocious entertainment dat today's youth wants to access!
An ice age is a long period of reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental and polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers.
Did you know there was an Ice age during the Cambrian period
Dime Age is a noun that means approximately 10 years old.
Don't let a bunch of Dime Age kids tell you you're wrong.
Racist American, in their 30-40's who can often been found mowing the lawn, drinking Budweiser's or telling at black people.
Person 1: That Middle Aged White Man just said a slur!
Person 2: What did you except?
"Have you seen Paget Brewster?"
"Yes! I swear, some people are just aging like fine wine!"
Where a person of age has grown impatient, lazy and thus selfish due to understanding how the world works
My father has grown "Sour Aged"