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Blake is the most cutest person ever you will fucking die. He’s a bit weird but anyways. He would have a very weird best friend but overall he’s cute asf

I like Blake

by Latesha Nicole Phillips June 15, 2021



That guy Blake is such a moron.

by McBleezy November 23, 2021


A young man who typically shorter and stays more secluded than others might. Loves to listen to music and only wears shorts. He comes from a very good looking family and shares those same looks. Even though quite handsome only talks to one girl at a time making sure to not come off as a jackass. going back to a Blake's family, they usually reside in a high atop castle in the suburbs of Kentucky(Kinda like the Walt disney one).

Girl: "I'd love to talk to Blake but he is already talking to some girl and I can't even reach him in his suburban tower."

by CollinEsmier :) September 25, 2022


Official distributer

Blake is such a distributer

by bruh moment the 2nd April 14, 2021


A queen

"Omg the queen! She is such a Blake!"

by queenblake February 20, 2024


A person who is freakishly talented and detail oriented. So much so, it makes one question if Blakes are real humans. Theorists hypothesize anyone with the name Blake to actually be a robot shell of a human, that is being controlled by a tiny alien located inside Blake's brain.

Be weary of how close you allow a Blake in your life.

Blake is really cool and all, but he's been acting really strange. He over pronounces words, can do many things well, and talks about how he's observing people's behaviors. Blake must be an alien controlled robot.

by Sinoid August 31, 2022


A guy with a microscopic dick

Blake has a tiny dick

Sarah said

by Deeznutsdestroyer 69 yabmum November 23, 2021