When a female expunges air from her vagina.
During yoga class, our instructor clam coughed; it sounded like a small trumpet and some folks applauded.
When a Woman presses her damp clam on your pants and lives a clam imprint (clam stamp)
"Dude that stripper left a clam stamp on your pants"
When some seafood smelling women go naked in a sauna it smells like a clam bake
Hey Mark check out that clam bake!
"I have a heavy flow, I need to go change my clam bullet."
A vagina. In a P-whipped dude or D-Bag kind of way.
Kenny: Bob "can't" go out tonight. He is being such a Slacks Clam.
Tom: I know. His new girlfriend wont let him leave her sight.
Joe: Look at all those frat boys smoking their Juul's. What a bunch of Slacks Clams!
a flying saucer that has landed on an earthlings roof. Most likely to enticing f@#$ing JAMS being bumped.
YO Darren had a roof clam on his house last week. Now his songs are playing through the airwaves!!
When a cis woman accidentally shows off her private area, like when a gust of wind blows up her skirt.
“I was minding my own business on a windy day but then I noticed I was showing clam for all to see.”