"did you hear about DIEGO?"
"Yea he was such a Simp today when he talked to that girl"
"Did you hear about DIEGO?"
"Yea he was such a Simp talking to that girl today"
A lame ass racist nigga who kisses boys! lmaoooo this shouldn't even be on this sight!
you see Diego over there? watch, he's about to do the splits and hopes his wrestler buddies come out of nowhere.
Has a MONSTER COCK, don’t fuck with him cuz he will fuck you up, best dude out here hands down, tear any ass up.
“Diego’s cock completely destroyed me last night.”
Guala that is going to get high, that's has a lot of money, and girls, this kind of mans are usually Latin, you should't call everyone Diego You can get shot...
Diego N is the type of person to live alone in a cold basement. He's the type to aggressively touch his pets while stroking his meat violently. Diego is a beaner
who's that weird kid? that's diego LOL
A derogatory term used for THAT kind of guy your friend is seeing. Generally, a Diego, although not actually named Diego, is a guy that is between 15 and 19, quite unattractive (although your friend seems to think he's the hottest person on earth), and probably offensive. He usually leaves your friend mentally destroyed after your friend interacts with the Diego in question. Often, a Diego can be found conducting "1.2 GPA activities" in his free time alongside skating.
"Guys, Harsa Martinez's ex-boyfriend was such a Diego. I heard that he cheated on his new girlfriend (who is copying Harsa's style because she wants to be her so bad) and texted Harsa again even though she vowed to not speak to him again. I think Harsa and Diego are lowkey soulmates though because they're both mentally ill. Whatever, I guess Harsa is gonna have some more lore to her now."
"Ijbol. Harsa's losing the Idgaf War, I fear."