A long and nasty smelling non-poop producing fart.
Shirley was walking along when she ripped a dry Biden.
When your girl's laying on her back but isn't in the mood and won't let you past the shell.
I took her out for dinner and drinks, but when we got back she was a dry tortuga.
Dry tonguing Is the act of getting ones ass wet before anal.
Andrew let's have anal! You might need to do some dry tonguing as we have no lube.
a time when you take a shit but you have something hella hard like your pp and takes forever to push and feels like giving birth
tommyinit: I had a dry poop the other day
wilbursoot: what the fuck
tommyinit: my poop was a boy
When an individual proceeds to eat some pussy being masked up due to the Covid-19 Virus! Resembling the statement "dry humping".
I didnt even get to first base let alone a home run MY Nigga! We soent all night dry-muffin
The Dry Flip is when you excel at the expense of those closest to you. It originates in the realm of white water rafting where the raft inverts but the guide manages to climb over the side and onto the slick base of the raft, achieving this feat requires a level of anticipation, strength, balance and water knowledge that is jedi like, it also requires the guide to sacrifice every customer to the rapid that flipped the boat.
Dusty's command of the fighter was exquisite, those on the deck of the carrier had never seen a jet maneuvered with that skill before, and never would again as the missile Dusty avoided took out the entire flight deck. It was the quintessential Dry Flip.