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IN COMMON other SAME TITLES in corporate , government, and n

on profits.

A SEXUAL innuendo that says both people are HOMOSEXUAL in orientation.

The levels in society of the comparison of two individuals.

The CEO of one corporation is related to the CEO of another corporation in many ways and they themselves can relate communicatively by the fact they are the SAME POSITION RELATIONS which can extrapolate to many other specific same positions.

I have been HOMOSEXUAL all my LIFE and other HOMOSEXUAL men have SAME POSITION RELATIONS as me because we know how this feels and how we act sexually.

One PEDOPHILE is just like another PEDOPHILE in how low they are valued by society and one PROFESSIONAL NBA is just like another PROFESSIONAL NBA in how high valued they are by society.

by METE MEAT MEET August 5, 2021


Something what we really deserve. Trust me!

I love positivity.

by PositiveSelf August 19, 2020


Buzzword for people who are afraid to criticize others or things they don’t agree with/challenge the status quo. Not to be confused with optimism.

Please be polite and remember always be super positive! If you have something that’s not nice to say, just keep it to yourself! Positivity everyone!!! (Said with a lisp)

by Space Wrangler August 23, 2021

Tactical positioning

A War technique to indicate a position that's Grant's an advantage if the user

Eggman uses tactical positioning

by Mc Larry February 2, 2020

Collateral position

When a 3 man and 1 woman are in a room, one man puts his dick into the mans ass, and that man puts his dick in his other man's ass, then he puts his dick into the women's pussy

The collateral position is on of the most fun positions a group can have.

by why yu luk April 8, 2021


Refers to da sour-faced "significant reducing of da total-amount figure" action performed by da irritated bank-teller who processes da night/weekend deposits, after she actually **counts** da cash or totals up da checks dat you placed in da deposit-envelope and inserted into da night-depository, only to discover dat da supposedly-large amount dat you'd claimed to have deposited when you'd filled in da "deposit amount" line on da envelope was grossly "inflated" --- i.e., you claimed to have deposited a sizeable amount, when in reality you had merely left a few bucks in the envelope! Well, serves you right --- I mean, you didn't truly believe dat da teller wasn't gonna actually COUNT da cash or checks in da envelope to CONFIRM dat you really had deposited as much as you'd claimed you did, didja??? I mean, zheee-yeesh... if bank-tellers always just unquestioningly trusted da stated amounts of people's deposits, then many folks would just gleefully scribble in some astronomical amount whenever they made a "non-face-to-face" deposit (i.e., not making da deposit in person, where da teller would count it right there in front of you), and then da banks would be obliged to credit da depositers with a lot of unearned income!

I'm an honest guy, and so I've never tried to actually deceive a bank into crediting me for more money than I'd actually deposited; the farthest I've ever gone is to merely play a little joke on the teller by inserting a phony million-dollar bill in among the fives and tens in the deposit envelope before deadpanningly handing it to the teller, and then seeing the teller's surprised/amused reaction when she sees the obviously-fake "bar-M" bill. The teller then performs a quick "de-posit" to accurately record the much-more-paltry sum that I'm actually submitting, and then smugly hands me back the gag-bill along with my deposit-receipt.

by QuacksO October 2, 2020