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Golden Sunrise

The event in which an individual is awoken by the sound, smell, taste, or feeling of being pissed on.

Primarily received by (but not limited to) unsuspecting or unwilling individuals.

Most commonly delivered by an individual but there have been rare occurrences in which multiple people simultaneously contribute.

J - "I drank damn near two liters of cheap tequila last night and woke up feeling like deep fried dog shit"

R - "You think that's bad? I got so drunk I blacked out, woke up to a Golden Sunrise..."

J - "Golden Sunrise??"

R - "Yeah, Basically that prick Kyle, his sister Stacy, even his damn Chihuahua gave me a golden shower..... AS A WAKE UP!"

by Playze June 19, 2011

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golden molar

a variation of the golden shower that specifically involves the teeth. The act of urinating on another person's teeth for sexual pleasure.

After a long day, Brandi wanted to tone it down a bit and settled in for a golden molar from her boyfriend.

by scrots-G November 18, 2009

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Golden Sword

A supplement word for either a hookah (pen) or a electric cigarette.

Hey, lets go use our golden swords

by El_Doughnut February 26, 2015

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Golden rough

The act of performing anal on another human to get their arse gaping. Then pulling out and standing at least three feet back whilst urinating into the gaping hole, thus completing the golden rough.

Hi Steve, I sunk a 5 foot golden rough with Janine last night.

by Tony the tenticle April 21, 2012

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Golden Buttplug

A rich liberal that is hell bent on cramming their agenda down everybody's throats.

Working poor: It'd be really nice if that golden buttplug would shut up about social issues that obviously do not affect them in any way.

by bushmeatburrito September 16, 2016

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The Golden Kernel

The Golden Kernel is the fine tabooed art where you pluck corn from your poo chunks with a toothpick and stick those golden pieces of eight between your teeth thus producing "The Golden Kernel".

This is commonly practiced by individuals who wish to own a sparkly set of grillz but can't afford the hefty prices that jewelers charge.

" Dude I needed a set of grillz for that Gangsta dress up party but Tiffanys were charging an ass load so I'm happily wearing The Golden Kernel instead. "

by ε€–δΊΊ Gaijin August 25, 2009

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Golden Dolphin

The act of urinating on a women's tits and then motorboating her.

"I gave Lauren a golden dolphin last night"

by The Wallacio July 15, 2016

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