Source Code

nigga live's matter

were a herd of niggers meet up and screen cause they think they deserve more love than other races

mf 1:yoo look nigga live's matter flag
mf 2: shiii looks like this hoe been robbed
mf 3: sooo we shoot the niggers?
niggatron: yes

by mexicanfoxnigga May 4, 2021

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sex-box Live

When a couple engage in a video chat on xbox live that takes a sexual twist. Similar to a live sex cam.

John: I'm going home guys.
Dave: So you could play Sex-box Live with Anna? Have fun!

by Cool Kid7457 July 16, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Black Lives Matter Global Network is a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission is to build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front.

We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements.

We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise.

We affirm our humanity, our contributions to this society, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.

The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.

The Black Lives Matter Global Network is a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission is to build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

by @KOJOmix November 14, 2018

1670๐Ÿ‘ 2638๐Ÿ‘Ž


The BLACK LIVES MATTER Global Network is a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission is to build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front.

We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements.

We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise.

We affirm our humanity, our contributions to this society, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.

The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.

The BLACK LIVES MATTER Global Network is a chapter-based, member-led organization whose mission is to build local power and to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

by @KOJOmix November 14, 2018

1578๐Ÿ‘ 2956๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blue Lives Matter

Blue Lives Matter is a direct response to Black Lives Matter, the whole purpose of Blue Lives Matter is to support Law Enforcement and show that not ALL Law Enforcement Officers are racist/terrible.

1." Blue Lives Don't Matter! Black Lives Matter more than Smurfs!"
2. "We support Blue Lives Matter! We support our boys in blue! All Lives Matter!"

by Nyaika April 23, 2022

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Lives Matter

A movement, that contrary to other definitions on this website, is not racist. The movement does not say that white and other races lives do not matter, it is simply calling attention to the fact that blacks in this country are still discriminated against and the victim of hate crimes. This isn't just a liberal thing, it's just a matter of common sense.

Black Lives Matter is a necessity in this day and age, unfortunately. It should be obvious that they do. A shame a lot of people can't accept that.

by MrBortles April 29, 2017

5384๐Ÿ‘ 20659๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Lives Matter

A movement started around 2014 considering the fact that black lives do, indeed, matter. Not a racist movement as many have proposed. It merely highlights the fact that black lives are discriminated against more so than any other lives, but it does not attempt to harm those other lives by virtue of itself. It does not claim superiority of race in traditional terms; rather, it is a movement for blacks, by blacks that considers the fact that as a group, blacks are appreciated less.

This does not mean that they consider other races beneath them, or unworthy of their attention. It means that they want to highlight the injustice of black lives not having as much consideration or 'love' as other races, even Asian (including Indian and others) or Mexican lives. It is not an attempt to compare races. It is a black positivity movement if anything else.

Girl 1: Ugh, I can't believe Black Lives Matter is at it again.
Girl 2: They're just trying to highlight their race, by their race. They're not trying to compare anyone.
Girl 1: Then why won't they allow anyone else in their hashtag?
Girl 2: Because it's a black positivity movement. It's for black people only. What part of that don't you understand?
Girl 1: I don't understand how I as a white girl can't post in there because I totally support them!
Girl 2: Well, posting in there would be racist considering the fact that you'd be calling attention to your race when it already has so much attention already. The blacks don't get that kind of attention so you'd just be interrupting it.

by It'sme33 July 22, 2016

4801๐Ÿ‘ 20131๐Ÿ‘Ž