The sudden, gripping fear that the leggings you're wearing are not actually meant to be standalone pants.
As she sat down and her desk and saw her skin through her leggings, Clare was overcome with tight fright.
Hoping to not take anymore pills/drugs
Idk man let's hope the lid stays tight
A phrase used when describing some bomb ass pussy.
"Dude. That girl's pussy was tight as a dot!"
The overall ideal of a person leaving for no fucking reason. Even if theres a good reason to stay, or a bad reason to leave. — Leaving just knowing you can do something, knowing you can’t come back after pulling that dumbshit. The feeling of tucking your dick and balls between your legs in a knot, beyond repair afterwards.
“Wow! He’s gone, he’s left and tight..”
When you play by the book & obey every law 24/7 & never let small problems go away.
Bobby is a fucking loser with that Tight Hank Hill Ass!
Fuck him! His ass so tight his ass cheeks suck in his asshole like trying to pick up a cherry off the stool.
adjective /hʌməl tīt/
Origins mythical dwarf electrician
- to tighten something, usually a locking or fastening mechanism, in a way that loosening or freeing the object is near impossible
“Julio, give me a minute and possibly a blow torch, some asshole made this Hummel tight”
When you're avoiding a question and wana ghost a bitch
When can you hang out? “ I’m scared, someone hold me tight”