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olive head

Olive head is a nick name for a person named Olivia. It is often used in a funny matter but can be serious people do have olive head

Hi olive head

by Olive head May 5, 2017

1πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Two olives short of a martini

Missing both your nuts. taken from fresh prince of bel air

"Will: My friend knows this sqaw that he's completely in love with. But this particular sqaw just broke up with his best friend. Now, he don't wanna diss his boy or nothin, but he'd like to know how long is a good time to wait befire he... raidsthis sqaw's village, if you know what I'm sayin.
Philip: Ummmmm. Interesting you should bring that up. I had a case like that come before me just recently.
Will: Really?
Philip: Word up. Now this guy started going out with his best friend's girl hours after they broke up.
Will: Whoa, he waited that long?
Philip: Well, this other guy didn't think it was that long. He was very jealous and he shot his friend.
Will: Dead?
Philip: No. Let's say he's, uh, two olives short of a martini.
Philip: So before your friend starts raiding any villages, he better be sure its worth it."

by i am nobody and i am sombody January 5, 2010

63πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Post nut olive branch

A post nut olive branch is where a man extends his arm out for a cuddle following sex. This signifies that the man doesn’t hate his sexual partner and is ready to enjoy her company again

I think I might like her bro, I had accidentally extended the post nut olive branch last night

by Demontooth April 28, 2023

extra slutty olive oil

The opposite of extra virgin olive oil. Lowest grade stuff on the market. Obviously.

Eww, did you see the extra slutty olive oil that she bought at the dollar store?? booty

by Kell-You! January 26, 2014

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Olive And Let Die Burger

From Bob's Burgers: a specialized burger served with olives

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Olive And Let Die Burger, it's served with olives!"

by America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ November 17, 2018

52πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Oliver Richard Samuel Santini

The best boyfriend there is. The most patient, caring and always with a heart full of love ;). There is never a bad day when he’s around

Also a huge penis

He loves her so much. Must be an Oliver Richard Samuel Santini

by Doll face:) April 18, 2022

Oliver Ames High School

Located in the affluent Easton, Massachusetts, Oliver Ames is a small high school with almost all students being white, although it is becoming more diverse. There really aren't many cliques; its more of a heavy partiers vs. non partiers. The majority of girls who attend Oliver Ames straighten their hair and wear Uggs every single day, regardless of the weather. The kids who go to OA are often refereed to as stuck up, spoiled, wealthy, and preppy. They shudder in fear of the thought of Brockton, or even Stoughton. Easton is boring and there's nothing to do except go to Target, drink, and get high. The football team generally doesn't do so hot, because most of the good athletes go to private schools before freshman year. Girls sports on the other hand are pretty good; they win a championship every few years. Cross Country is like a cult, but in a good way. The music kids always freak out the week before their show, but they pull it all together and it comes out well. The executive board and student council kids are insanely competitive and go full out for Spirit Week. Someone ends up crying. the Prom is always at the Copley in Boston, because the kids here are too good for the Holiday Inn, unlike every surrounding town. The school's mascot is the tiger, and their colors are black and orange.

Timothy: Dude, I'm moving to Easton and going to Oliver Ames High School next year.
Alfred: Aw bro, you're going to become one of those popped collar Abercrombie kids who thinks they're tough and hangs out at Bill's on half days!
Timothy: ...Oh, I'm sorry, I was too busy fanning myself with my money to care about what you just said.
Alfred: Oh no! You're becoming one of them!

by l0lZiMAHiPST3R June 25, 2010

212πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž