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South Park

1. An overrated cartoon about four kids who do stupid stuff and make fun of each other. The older South Park episodes are really funny, mainly because they weren't so much about social issues as they were about the main characters acting dumb for the hell of it. Nowadays South Park relies too much on current events to be funny. It also seems too preachy. Like the Simpsons, the newer South Park episodes lack certain qualities that made the old ones great. Cartman's still pretty funny though.

2. A part of Colorado. South Park's not the name of a town, but rather a large portion of Southern Colorado or something.

1. "Hello Children!"
"Hey Chef"

2. South Park's a pretty boring place to visit.

by Rastablowtorch August 25, 2005

169๐Ÿ‘ 446๐Ÿ‘Ž

South Carolina

Greenville and Myrtle Beach are the only cities worth a shit, and even they aren't that great. Don't know about Hilton Head, never really been there.

Oh, and N. Charleston is one of the most dangerous cities in the US apprantely. Thanks a lot for bringing down one of the states with the lowest murder rate you fucking rednecks.

Greenville : Tha Greens, G-Ville, The Green City, G-Vegas, Da Metro, C-Train, and G-Vizzie.

by Rod (urb1) July 17, 2004

56๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

South Park

The Worst Show To Ever Air In The History Of Television

SP Fan: OMG South Park is the greatest show ever!

Normal Person: Why all they do is the same crap every episode, Kenny dies, Cartman Hates on Jews, Kyle and Stan complain about everything what is so great about this show?

SP Fan:Fuck You!! You Stupid Asshole Fuck You!!!!!

by South Park Sucks April 3, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

South of the Border

VERB - A form of sex where the penetrating partner withdraws his/her penetrating device/organ/fingers, coats them in hot sauce (preferably a Mexican-made brand such as Tapatio), then reinserts. The penetrated partner then lets out a cry, along the lines of "Yaarrrrrrraaahaaa!"

A: "I just South of the Bordered this hot chick from Accounting, and she screamed like a marichi. Then she ran off like Speedy Gonzalez."
B: "That's a terrible stereotype."

by Mortimer L. Bard August 13, 2007

38๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

south jersey

south jersey is the better part of the great state, new jersey.

we like to get fucked up on a regular basis.

weed + beer + good friends = a good time
we are all about philly teams.
tons of underage drinking.
malls all everywhere around here.
I personally think deptford is the best mall.
wawa is the shit.
we always chill at down the shore.
our schools blow.
tons of cops.
other than that south jersey is the place to be.

lived in south jersey all my life.

by ACiD856 July 13, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

South dublin

The posh part of Dublin where the rich aggogant bitches called Jennifer and Karen are from whos kids play soccer and probably have a tiny dick

South Dublin is a shithole

by Mysmellykitty June 5, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

south park

south park is an awesome show that has recently become boring and focuses on trying to make fun of americas society instead of trying to make the audience laugh their asses off like they use to. dont get me wrong, here, its still funny, just not as. and it is no longer animated with cardboard because, if you read the credits on one of the first episodes(1) and compare with one of the later ones(2) you will notice that on (1) it says 'cut-n-pasters,' indicating cardboard, but on (2) there is only 'animators' therefore resulting in the conclusion the the(2) episodes are more than likely computer animated.
and if any of the creators are 'sexy' it wouold have to be matt ,because he at least has hair. and i dont agree with people saying that if you dont like south park you are gay, i think that many people dont watch it or like it because they have kids, they find it offensive, they are more mature, or they just dont think its appropraite for anybody.

i dont feel like giveing an example.

has anyone else wondered if george bush watches south park?

by extremely pissed off girl July 7, 2005

92๐Ÿ‘ 236๐Ÿ‘Ž