Source Code

Nip Tipping

When a female inserts her nipple inside the tip of the man's penis.

Dude!!! Me and Emily were Nip Tipping

Nice Brahhh

by SeebeySeebs August 5, 2011

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Slap Tip

1) Giving oral, fellatio, to the tip of another mans penis

2) insult equivalent to suck my dick

Homie#1 : yo bro, that fit isn’t it. No bitches are gonna fuck with you

Homie#2 : yo bro, slap tip…

by CuckBetaMale July 6, 2021

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Tip dripping


When ones pussy stops growing at an early age and

Tip dripping

The act of traveling to bath houses and collecting cum off the floor, sealing it in Tupperware, freezing it and serving it in holiday punch bowl

Person who takes last sip has to take the ice ring and smack the hostess across the head until she blacks out

Then all guest jerk off on her face to revive her

Sam brought the best tip dripping for Helen's holiday bash

Then bashed Helen across the fuckin head

by Crotch Pheasant August 23, 2014

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Catholic Tip

Common phrase for Phimosis

which occurs mainly with Catholics

Mary: he's good craic but he's shite in bed 'cos of his Catholic tip
Deirdre: Ah sure look it, my sΓ©an is the same

by Corkfella February 4, 2018

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Tip the Narwhal

A sexual act in which the male tapes a paper cup face up on his forehead. The female then squats overhead and squirts into the cup. The male then tip the cup to where it spills all over the female's vagina. The male then licks the Juice of her pussy, and continues to Eat Out.

Mike: Dude, what happened, I thought we were supposed to watch the game last night?
Harold: Sorry bro, I was saying goodbye when Sasha insisted I would Tip the Narwhal with her.
Mike: Oh, Ok.

by Douglas Cooker September 27, 2011

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Tip Whore

1. A person who intentionally spends an elaborate amount of time taking drink orders from a table that is tipping extremely well at that time.

2. May or may not be at the loss to other servers.

Adam is a fucking tip whore. He keeps hanging around that guy who is throwin money around.

by Dave K October 16, 2004

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Literally "turd in pants" but used as an adjective to describe a person who is so preoccupied with, for example, studying that he would shit his pants rather than get up and go to the bathroom; can also describe a room that contains TIP individuals.

The music library was especially TIP today; it was full of very TIP students.

by Lilliolia July 14, 2011

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