Source Code

Mr/Papa Smith

Is a coach, teacher, and preacher who has had a rough go.

The have a dad bod and fading strength because he got Asama. he loves correcting mistakes and shouting at the top of his lungs during football games.

He can be found in a ball field, church, fishing airing up his tires to his red pick up, yelling at his youngest son, sitting gracfully on his recliner with no shirt on or in a classroom or on the track. overall he is a ...kind...person I guess. who is chill as long as you don't mess up

Pronouns " all that gender crap is made Up"

Mr / Papa Smith ( my dad) will be really happy if the urban dictionary people publish this

Mr/Papa smith really likes his coffee ( more than Me)

by Tg223P October 8, 2023

papa sneaky

Basicly if you as much as think about him, your doomed. His just faster sneaky'r and stronger. Hes the reasond why u have nigthmares😈😈

Papa sneaky is a beast

by Papa sneaky February 24, 2017

Papa sneaky

Okey, to start off his too fu*king sneaky for your ass, wont even see it coming. Basicly if you see him, screw that you cant see him, if you hear him you know your doomed. He is the best at what he does. You cant even compare to what his done in his lifetime

Papa sneaky is the beast🍆

by Papa sneaky February 24, 2017

papa muey

Papa Muey is an absolute Chad of a person. He runs a shop that has anything you could ever think of. Ask if you may: does he have a Turtle Hermit GI? He sure does; does he have a lightsaber? He sure does; does he have a Bugatti? Oh-ho, he sure does. He sells anything and everything.

Jim: Yo, you want to buy some dildos and vibrators and shit?

Johnson: Ay-yo? Bro, where the fuck is you gon find that at?

Jim: Papa Muey has everything we can ever imagine!

Johnson: Got dayum! Just thinking about him makes my penis drool.

Jim: Hell yeah!

by Papa Muey February 7, 2023

Papa loui

Papa Loui is a crow with a tiny chef's hat. Who can cook and also does barbering, which he is verry good at. If you want to see papa loui you must call him by his name and then he can help you with cooking or cutting your hair, papa loui works in a restaurant called the omelet of papaouri.

friend: hey have you seen papa loui?
other friend; no but if you need him you know what to do!
friend: i must call him by his name!!

by thepersonyouknowwhoitis March 20, 2020

Papa Joe

A nickname for Joseph Stalin, Lord and Savior of the gulags

Person: Hmm i wish we could have some fo-
Papa Joe: G U L A G

by xDankStarx March 22, 2018

papa samuel

Daddy uwu

Hi papa samuel

by Mama booth licker July 8, 2023