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Phantom Rod

What she may feel an hour or more after sex.

Damn, that sex was so good, i`ve had phantom rod for 3 hours now.

by Suinbeda November 4, 2011

Phantom Buzz

The feeling of nostalgia or euphoria after consuming a non-alcoholic beverage that closely mimics the taste and aroma of an alcoholic drink.

Man I miss drinking, lets crack open some 0.0% Heinekens and catch that phantom buzz

by ItsmeTrigo January 6, 2025

The Phantom of the Opera

During a performance in a theatre two people engage in sexual activities on the catwalk above the stage. The moans echoing through the auditorium should resemble a howling spirit.

“I’m going to fuck up on the catwalk during a show.”

“That position is called The Phantom of the Opera.”

by TheRealLolcat January 17, 2023

ghost phantom

When you take a poo but there is no evidence

Leaving you to question... “Did I actually poo?”

Ghost: When there is no skid on the TP

Phantom: When the log goes straight down the pipe without flushing

Side note: You better put that toilet paper straight back. It’s still pristine. Think about the environment.

OMG! I did a Ghost Phantom!

by Lil’ Chance of being a Rapper September 9, 2020

The Phantom Rule

You are not aloud to have sex with a fourteen year old girl if you’re a fourty year old man

The Phantom rule is based of the movie The Phantom of the Opera

by Singleminded dimensions May 10, 2021

phantom tagging

when you falsely tag someone on facebook at a location with you

Seriously, I was not a Qdoba...I was really at the hospital. Tina was phantom tagging me again!

by phantom tagee May 24, 2011

phantom bra

When you think you have your bra on and then remember you don’t

Jessica, I literally had phantom bra this morning LMAO!”

by Mdawgswizzl May 12, 2024