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pineapple fish

a person with fish lips that get bruises from sucking dick.

she's pineapple fish because she comes to school having bruises on her lips.

by bob 69 09 your mama March 14, 2016

pineapple activist

Eating/drinking pineapple so u when she wants to commit cannibalism and swallow your babies it taste good

Bro I'm becomimg a "pineapple activist" for chloe

by _rroberttt April 21, 2017

Pineapple Hair

The top green part of a pineapple.

If you want to eat a pineapple, you have to cut off the pineapple hair.

by bloxburggirl June 17, 2020

pineapple hairs

A word made by popular Roblox YouTube Anix and it is the leefs on top of spongebobs house

I am going to cut of the pineapple hairs before I eat it

by Anixfan November 8, 2020

Pineapple Hairs

Pineapple Hairs is the crown of a Pineapple. This word was made by "Anix" a ROBLOX Youtuber. His video where this word was Featured is called "building bikini bottom in Bloxburg + FUNNY MOMENTS"

"You should probably cut off the Pineapple Hairs before you eat it." "Pineapple Hairs" is a word created by a ROBLOX YouTuber named "Anix" as a word to mean the crown of the pineapple.

by mirusanator June 16, 2020

Pineapple Hairs

Anix's definition of the leaves on top of a pineapple.

Anix: "I'm going to call them pineapple hairs. It better be in urban dictionary by tomorrow.

by Jordields June 16, 2020

Pineapple hairs

Hair on pineapple

These pineapple hairs are pointy

by Pineapple Hairs June 16, 2020