an annoying guy in a lot of Discord servers
Bro did you see that Pumpkin guy talking about sacrificing blood to the blood gods?
Yeah, what a prick
Pumkinnnnnnnnnnnnn best word ever ngl
Broccoli, broad beans, peassss, PUMPKIN!!!
Big butt, rounded off perfectly🍑
Damn bro that girl got a huge pumpkin. Yo nigga pass the pumpkin.
to say this word you need to have the vege pass to get the vege pass you have to go to your local sped and ask for it if they reply with yes then your in luck DISCLAIMER (vege pass may be limited depending on supplyer)
If you nicknamed a guy “pumpkin”. He is your soulmate
Her: hey pumpkin!
Meaning: I LOVE YOU! ❤️
you watch a video on tiktok and suddenly a guy screaming pumpkin pop on your screen
it’s just a Rick roll but bad
video: «man hardest punch on dummy»
And then PUMPKIN