Source Code

Put me on Paper

Refers to a woman placing her child’s father on the government child support collection list.

J.R: My girl just put me on paper and the states tryna collect.
Day Day: Word? How much are they makin you pay?

by ThatClownShit September 21, 2023

Putting on for your city

Slanging dick otherwise known as having intercourse with a large amount of females and bring notoriety to the area from which one originates.

Putting on for your city

Ryan "Dude, I've had a different girl over every night this week!"
Jeff "Damn, bro is putting on for his city"

by LerroyJenkinss September 20, 2023

Put kibble in the bowl

Expression to explain to dogs why you have to go to work. (Cats don't care.)

I know you don't want me to go to work (name of dog). But I gotta put kibble in the bowl, buddy, kibble in the bowl.

by Don Heflin October 20, 2022

Putting cream in the Coffee

The act of a white male having vaginal sex with and black female.

Yeah last night me and Shantay went at it putting cream in the coffee.

by Wellwrittenporn November 21, 2016

put arm under

When a girl with saggy tits sends you a nude and has her arm holding her tits with her arm so that they don't drag.

Dude, she captioned it put arm under. LOL

by RichardHammerbush September 4, 2015

give put me

a phrase used by @94STILLINLOUVE on twitter.
(who has a very sexy layout i might add)

'someone give put me on the urban dictionary now '

by louislovebot January 12, 2021

Put the pretzels on the wall

To think outside the box; something totally unexpected and different.

Person 1 "Hey man, the professor is insane!"
Person 2 "yeah he really put the pretzels on the wall with that one!"

by Legs' advocate April 19, 2022