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Paedophile (s)

n. (pl.) member of society distinguished by being the only one not asked to 'think of the children'

Look at the Paedophiles in the playground, how very inappropriate.

by Clayton July 14, 2003

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The best board on neopets.com, also containing the most wonderful chick ever, gaby (gabs)

n00b: hdjhjkgjhgkd
Gaby: *ninja kicks because she is awesome*
rest of i/s: ily gabs

by happybirthdaygabsloveteagues July 24, 2009

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Stands for waalaikum assalam, which is the arabic reply to salaam alaikum.

salaam alakum means peace to you
Alaikum assalam means peace to you, too.

salaam alaikum Mohammad
w/s Ali

by Abdullah Alghazal January 19, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

s card

Making a girl squirt for the first time.

Dude the sheets were so messy after I took that girls s card.

by robertoblanco June 25, 2011

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A better and cooler version of pogger(s)

First coined by Nasok#6004 in the Lovelies server in Discord.

Ssmudge: Hey, did you see the new update Discord put?

Lusty: Yeah, it's poger(s)

by Ssmudge March 10, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

maria s

any girl whose first name is maria and last name is s just happens to be the funniest person in the world!! She also happens to be the bestest friend you could ever wish for and there is no person who could ever live up to her. Maria S is always the prettiest girl in the school and all the guys want her! She probably has curly light brown hair and green eyes. Beware though, Maria S is veryyy spontaneous and might randomly dye your hair because you get bored.

i wish i was friends with maria s! -everyone
well i am friends with her so it sucks to be you! -her friends

by r-dog;) iโค๏ธ๐Ÿซ October 25, 2019

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an acronym for: Suck A Dick

Pronunciation: ES-UH-DEE

-"Hey Joe wanna hang out?"
-"Why don't you go S-A-D Jim."
-"If you didn't want to hang out you could have just said so."

which is an insult meaning go suck a dick or leave me alone in other words

by r4wrmsmh July 24, 2008

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