An slang used in computer science for when a programmer writes an extremely low quality code.
Come on, dude! How am I supposed to work on this spaghetti code?
Someone who is literally retarded
This department is like a spaghetti map
Someone who is trying to describe something that is literally retarded
This department is like a spaghetti map
a name for someone named Nathan who loves spaghetti. (warning don't call him this unless your feeling risky)
spaghetti spaganiel rhymes with banana maniel
When a male eats a tub of Play- Doh, squats over a females mouth, puts a Play- Doh spaghetti strainer over his butthole, and shits into the females mouth
Dude, my girlfriend wouldn’t stop telling me she was hungry, so I gave her some of my homemade Jacksonville Spaghetti.
An older male with a profusely aged bush having sexual intercorse with a young, menstruating female.
Did you get lucky after the club?
Yeuh, she wanted a spaghetti yeti.
two or more people "fighting" but they are just throwing hands not fists
basically their arms are going everywhere in the fight and its hilarious.
these are mostly fights between girls.
"she's such a spaghetti fighter. nevermind. this isn't even a fight. its just a handshake"
"aye this shit is boring"