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dyke stain

A stain produced by two Dykes when scissoring on top of a babies corps.

Jenny and Mary left a huge dyke stain on my bed last night.

by chodedoctor January 21, 2017

pish stain

1. pish stain - urine stain

2. pish stained - adjective describing something with a pish stain on it (usually clothing)

1. Check that cunt wae his fucking pish stained trackies what an actual tramp.

2. dinny sit doon there there's a fucking pish stain oan it!

by pureactualbawbag June 26, 2018

White Stained Clay

A type of hard material used by relatively unknown players to relieve pain and inducing drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility. When saturated with water the material will become sticky and affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally.

"Dude I heard Nogons is selling White Stained Clay these days on his server.

"I don't know who that is."
"Damn... I guess he's just a relatively unknown stoner now"

by i'm not proud of this July 12, 2021

White Stained Clay

A type of hard material used by relatively unknown players to relieve pain and inducing drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility. When saturated with water the material will become sticky and affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally.

"Dude I heard Nogons is selling White Stained Clay these days on his server.

"I don't know who that is."
"Damn... I guess he's just a relatively unknown stoner now"

by i'm not proud of this July 12, 2021

grandma stain

when you poop in someone else's toilet

"oh no, but it seems like i have dropped a grandma stain"

by milksource101 June 29, 2017

Cream stain

common juices from a female

Max said his girlfriend had cream stains in her underwear

by Ermmaeads July 13, 2021

Cock Stain

A mark left by the penis after sexual encounters

After I banged out this chick I slapped her face with my junk and left a cock stain.
My boy Fred Q. left a cock stain on this sluts forehead

by Chilidaddy September 5, 2021